We will do all what it takes to assure reaching your target with our Keto meal plans
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Keto Meal Delivery - UAE
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Best Keto Meal Delivery in UAE
Best Keto Bread Delivery in UAE

We created a delicious menu that contains multiple cuisines such as Arabic, Turkish, Asian and European to keep you enjoying during your journey knowing that your macros and calories are under control

We created a delicious menu that contains multiple cuisines such as Arabic, Turkish, Asian and European to keep you enjoying during your journey knowing that your macros and calories are under control

We deliver your meals to your doorstep every day with cooled vehicles, in an ice-cooled bag to have it ready in your fridge.
For people who has allergy to gluten, you can enjoy our wide range of breads, sweets and bakeries. Ask for our 100% gluten free products.

KETO Meal Plans
We take the guilt away,
you keep the pleasure

Not Any More
You don't need to live Hungry to get Fit
What is amazing about the KETO DIET is the fullness you feel at all times!!
No More Hunger… No More Cravings

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باختصار أنت مع كيتو فريش تأكل جميع الأطباق الأصيلة ولكنها معدة وفقاً للأصول الكيتاوية فهي تحقق لك الفائدة والاستمتاع الدعم الفني للزبائن وكمية المعلومات والنصائح التي يتلقاها المُشترك لا يوازيها أي خدمة مدفوعة لمتخصصي التغذية الذين تعاملت معهم في الإمارات من قلبي موفقين

Food is amazing .i lost a lot of weight with them

Best keto meals ever! Had great results. What makes these meal plans unique is that people at Keto Fresh came up with such tasty recipes that made the process easier and they are 100% behind you during the process to help you achieve your goals and answer any questions

Great KETO & Great FRESH Hope all the best KETO FRESH

يمتاز طعام كيتو فريش بأنه لذيذ المذاق، ومتنوع ولا تشعر معه بأنك في نظام غذائي ومحروم من الوجبات اللذيذة، ويضاف إلى ذلك خدمة التوصيل التي جعلتني أنسى موضوع الطعام ووقت تحضيره وتسوق منتجاته بل ساعدني ذلك في التركيز على عملي، إنقاص وزني وزيادة نشاطي، فشكرا لكم عائلة كيتو فريش
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Frequently Asked Questions
The Ketogenic diet is a high fat, adequate protein, low carbohydrate diet that forces the body to burn fats for energy instead of carbohydrates.
Normally carbohydrates in food are converted into glucose, which is then transported throughout the body and is vital in fueling brain function. But if little carbohydrate remains within the diet, the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketones, the latter passing into the brain and replacing glucose as an energy source.
Once the body is burning fat for energy (a state called ketosis) an adequate amount of calorie deficit is introduced in order to lose weight. However, unlike any other diet, this weight loss is specifically targeting body fat percentage, because the body is now used to burning fat for energy.
During the Keto Diet, Insulin levels are semi-stable which reduces cravings, hunger, and puts the body in a healthier state. With no hunger and cravings, calorie deficit becomes an automatic process. At this point, Intermittent-fasting is introduced, keeping the body with no food for 24-36 hours without feeling hungry!
This makes the Keto Diet the fastest weight loss diet in the world!
The most accurate way to tell if you are on ketosis is through a laboratory blood test. Blood tests with a home testing machine called MOJO Meter are also considered accurate to some extent.
But without any complicated tests you may confirm you entered to ketosis status if you feel the fruity metallic taste in your mouth when you wake up in the morning (Also called Keto Breath) A COMPLETE GUIDE TO ACHIEVE KETOSIS
Intermittent fasting has proved amazing results when it is combined with Keto Diet but it should be started after adapting to ketosis
usually it aims to reduce the eating window to eight hours against 16 hours of fasting
with the time it is very healthy and easy to even go to the level of four hours against 20 hours fasting
during fasting hours it is possible to consume water and some drinks with no calorie value like black coffee and tea and many herbal drinks. Click here for more